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Chris Coles

PGA Head Professional & Academy Manager




Improve your golf or get your game back on track with a 30 Minute Video Analysis Golf Lesson from PGA Professional Joe Bray.


30 minute lessons can be used for improvement in any part of the game: Swing Check-Up, Swing Changes, More Distance, Straighter Golf Shots, Better Chipping, Bunker Play or Improving your putting?


It does not matter what golfing level / standard you are, Joe tailors every lesson to the personal needs of each player and has a wealth of experience working with beginners all the way up to elite players!


... Come and see JB Coaching

Chris Coles

PGA Head Professional & Academy Manager




Improve your golf or get your game back on track with a 60 Minute Video Analysis Golf Lesson from PGA Professional Joe Bray.


Let's spend a good amount of time together working on your game. A 1 hour lesson gives us a great amount of time to break down the area of improvement and really start to get the change going and start to see an improvement. 


This lesson option also includes use of Hackmoton & Capto Putting System if required.



... Come and see JB Coaching!

Chris Coles

PGA Head Professional & Academy Manager




Putting Lessons now using CAPTO Putting Software & Video Analysis Improve with a 60-minute Putting Lesson with CAPTO! Used by the worlds best putting coaches such as: Phil Kenyon, David Orr & Andy Gorman.


CAPTO is a putting analysis system composed by a high accuracy sensor and associated software. It is highly accurate and can be used indoor and outdoor. CAPTO measures over 30 real time parameters of the putting stroke to give you the best data about your stroke.


This is crucial to making the correct changes within your lesson to get you putting better and lowering your scores. Nearly half your strokes in a round of golf are used with a putter, therefore improving your putting will help you shoot a lower score.


Within this 1 hour lesson, we will use Video Analysis and CAPTO to analyse Putter Measurements, Analysis of straight and breaking putts & Analysis of your green reading technique. All of these areas are crucial to take data upon to get you putting your best and lowering your scores.


This lesson option also includes use of Hackmoton Wrist Sensor if required.

Chris Coles

PGA Head Professional & Academy Manager




Improve with an outdoor 120-minute  Putting Lesson with CAPTO!

CAPTO measures over 45 real time parameters of the putting stroke to give you the best data about your stroke. This is crucial to making the correct changes within your lesson to get you putting better and lowering your scores.

Within this 2 hour lesson, we will start by undertaking a full in-depth analysis of your putting game, this will be using Capto Putting System, Video Analysis and HackMotion. Once data is gathered, we will then benchmark using specific drills to capture data on performance. Relevant improvements will be made to help putting performance improve. We will finally re test some drills to see what improvements have been made within the 2 hour session.

Nearly half your strokes in a round of golf are used with a putter, therefore improving your putting will help you shoot a lower score.

Chris Coles

PGA Head Professional & Academy Manager




Improve your golf or get your game back on track with a 30 or 60 Minute Video Analysis Golf Lesson from PGA Professional Joe Bray.


The Foresight GC  Quad is set up in an indoor studio environment allowing Joe to provide expert feedback on every shot.

The accurate shot data can be used to analyse areas within your swing and to allow Joe to set individual improvement goals. ​


The GCQuad provides metrics like horizontal club path, clubhead speed, dynamic loft, smash factor, impact location, lie, ball speed, carry, closure rate, and total distance. Joe will analyze this data with you during your golf lesson.


This lesson option also includes use of Hackmoton Wrist Sensor if required.


Find out about our studio by visiting -

Chris Coles

PGA Head Professional & Academy Manager


2 HOUR SHORT GAME CLINIC (Advanced & Fundamental)​


This clinic is split into 2 different levels (Advanced and Fundamental).


During the Fundamental short game clinic will cover the 4 main short game skills in one session: Putting, Chipping, Pitching & Bunker Play, the 4 critical elements to improving your golf game and lowering your scores!

This 2-hour short game session will get your whole short game sharp! We will cover 30 minutes on each area of the short game! You will receive all tuition tailored to your standard and needs.

You will also receive short game drills which you can take away and use. Additionally, you will receive all your session notes emailed to you to save you remembering everything on the day.


The Advanced clinic will be split up however the client and coach sees fit. It may be 2 hours fine turning on CAPTO, it may be focusing on short game around the green for a hour and a hour on learning new bunker shots.

This is a great way to work on the areas which YOU need to improve. The 2 Hour session will include short game drills to take away with you and also session notes post session to help you keep on track. This lesson option also includes use of Hackmoton & Capto Putting System if required.

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